Instruments for archaeological divers
- The SUISS-Hydra is a precise underwater surveying instrument to help divers mapping and locating underwater (SUISS = Swiss Underwater Integrated Survey System). It uses the latest technology and has a direct interface for GIS. A flyer of the Hydra is available here.
- The SUISS-Poseidon (SUISS = Swiss Underwater Information Supervision Software) allows the systematical categorization and management of the measurement data: it is the link to your own geographical information system.
- The SUISS-Hermes (SUISS = Swiss Underwater Intercom and Security System) is still under development and allows for a two-way communication between divers and a supervisor in a remote position. It greatly enhances the security and also monitors the pressure of the air tank.
The development of SUISS instruments for archaeological divers is a collaboration between SMT Swiss Mains GmbH and the Underwater Archaeology of Zurich (
If you require more information about the instruments, hard- and software please contact the company SMT Swiss Mains GmbH under the following e-mail address: